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Broadcasting PowerPoint Presentations over the Network. If you do not use a NetShow читать статью, you will be limited to fifteen audience netshow.exe download in your Online Broadcast.
Due netshow.exe download licensing restrictions, you will be netshow.exe download to only ten audience members if you are presenting from a Microsoft Windows NT Workstation, without using the NetShow Server. Benefits of presentation broadcasting include: Reduced travel costs. Increased productivity by netshow.exe download on-demand dowhload. Retention of the presenter’s knowledge. You can test this by placing the Dowjload. On the Windows Start menu downlad the Presenter machine, click Run.
All rights reserved. If your NetShow server is netshow.exe download installed or configured netshow.exe download, Online Broadcasting will not work. In this case, consult your NetShow documentation. The Onlbroad. On the NetShow Netshow.exe download, download the file Onlbroad. Click OKthen click Unzip. Click the On-line Presentation Broadcast item and then click Startup The login name should include the domain name if the NT Server participates in a domain.
Click OK. Click Start to start netsgow.exe service. Click Close to close the Services control panel. The NetShow Server is now configured properly. Configure the Presenter Machine To create an online presentation, netshow.exe download, create your slides with PowerPoint netshow.eexe you would for any other presentation.
Save the presentation. Then, setup and schedule your presentation using the Online Broadcast option under the Slide Netshow.exw menu.
Downlaod the Description tab, you can change the Title, Description, Speaker name, and Contact information. This information will be viewed by your audience. You can preview this information by clicking Preview Lobby Page. Click the Netshow.exe download Settings tab. In the Audio and Dowwnload settings box, you will be able to netshow.exe download whether you will send an Audio stream or a Netshow.exe download stream. По этой ссылке use these features, you must netshow.exe download a microphone or video capture device installed ndtshow.exe the presenter machine.
If you select this option, you must specify the computer name, and that computer must have a microphone or video capture device installed and functioning properly. Decide whether or not to include a link for E-mail under the Audience Feedback during Broadcast box. If you have a chat server on your network, you can specify it here as well.
In the Recording box, you can record the broadcast and save it for later viewing. Specify whether or not the audience will have access to the Speakers notes. Click Server Options. You netshow.exe download specify a shared location where the Netshow.exe download Broadcast will be accessed by the audience.
Specify this location in Step 1: required Specify a shared location. This shared location can be on the presenter machine or on the NetShow server; however, you will experience better performance if you specify a shared location that is not on the NetShow netshow.exe download.
Type the Server name. NOTE : Do not type the two back slashes before the server name. Click OKthen click Schedule Broadcast. Netshkw.exe the Meeting form, type the email addresses downlload each audience member in the To box.
When you download skins para gta vice city pc, set the Start and End time, then click Send. You will receive a message: The broadcast has been successfully scheduled. Your broadcast settings have been saved in the netshow.exe download Filename.
When it is time to broadcast the presentation, click SlideShowpoint to Online Broadcastthen click Begin Broadcast.